Macam yoyo oh je letak this photo...kalau tak pass malu besar la aku..
Those are in my reading list..not just that three but there are another 5 to go..I'm so nervous and I had a headache now..not that I read too much maybe I need to make an appoinment with more vision 2020 (o-o)
I remember when we were small and anxious and worry about standard 5 assessment or Mak(Tok) and Mama will say that we need air penerang hati..those were prepared by some Ustaz to make us able to remember what we learn . Maybe I need those too..haha
But I believe the best cure for those is Al-Quran..for better physical and mental well being, I went to MPH (again)today looking for Iqra to teach Sufiya, its about time to start her with something new instead of just her "EAO,EAO" (Old McDonald..) and her 'hani hani ah ah' (ABBA Song..)..can you figure out what song is this..? Ni MamaMia fever tak habis lagi in this house ;-)
Our reading area and Sufiya's chatting corner with her favourite chair...when she miss her aunty, she will sit on that chair and said to me "mami mami...cepat" while pointing to the telephone..that means she wants me to call her mami(aunty)in Penang.
Happy New Year Sue...
Masa muda2 dulu my mak did the same for me and siblings when we want to seat for exams.
Tapi for my kids, i told them -with or without air penerang hati, you will do well if you study smart he he...
It's good to teach the kids Quran early in life.
ooo Kak Nong dah balik..
air tu bukan apa sgt kan..yg penting kena usaha dulu
I'm scared if I can't teach my kids coz in my family, memang my father akan ajar baca Muqadam pastu sampai certain age baru hantar rumah ustazah...i pun nak buat yg least something for them
Morning Sue..........
Ala....takpa kalau u nak ambil air penerang hati. I memang dah usaha dan study, cuma mungkin dah terbiasa dari kecik.........mak selalu ambik air penerang hati so bila nak exam macam tak complete plak. Personally I ambik just untuk tenangkan hati dan haa...ha..... nak tambah rasa confident.
Jalan gelak besaq....
aishah..kelakar la pulak..
i tak bersungguh2 pun nak ambik air tu.. :-)
tengoklah mcm mana nanti..yg penting i tak boleh main2 study
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