Just bought this book last week, the front cover looks interesting but the contents are just simple with few typo error. This 368 pages book consist of guidelines on reading and understanding meaning and 'secrets' behind human face and features.
S.H.Alattas included famous public figure and international political figures as well as Bollywood and Hollywood actor and actress as example where some of them make a good reference. His explaination is simple to digest,but the graphic and illustration are too plain.
Every single part of our body and even lines indicate some sort of sign that could be 'read', I wonder is this a reason why some people would go all the way to 'rectify' anything undesirable just to have a better 'luck'. Recently in Iran, there is a trend to have a smaller nose, as we all know Iranian have a big prominent nose which God have created with a good reason, but they prefer JLo's kind of nose which is small and nice to them...what T H!!
Anyway, we had an Open House makan-makan at the office yesterday and most of us came in colourful and bright outfit that created the ambience of Syawal. What we wear could reflect our personality and the colour that we choosed could enhance our beauty and sometimes it could also gives a wrong signal..I used to loves BLACK so much, black pants and t-shirt, black tudung with black eyeliner and mascara..but I'm no Black Metal fan...
3 inch heel with transparent cover.. barely there type of shoe..what does it mean?
The owner of this pointed shoe came with a trimmed and groomed face..I like this type of shoe because they have been designed with safety factor in mind, it's not good for body posture or what not, but can be used as a weapon...boleh cucuk-cucuk!!
Whatever the sign of our body could potray, it is meaningless if we just keep on complaining and feeling unsatisfied, why don't we just accept the fact that we were born this way and appreciate and enhanced the beauty and cover the flaw..human being comes in various type and shape....the inner beauty that will last longer than a beautiful exterior :-).. cheers and have a nice day
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