Friday, December 05, 2008

Aidil adha yang dinanti

We were closed back then, the five of us..self-claimed tough girls in celoreng uniform with our M16 or onboard of 3 tonne truck from Kem Bukit Keteri. Among all boys we stood like a variation of pole..2 petite, 1 tall and athletic and another 2 were just nice...I was the petite one, the one that got knocked on her head during 'latihan senjata'...there was this clumsy guy behind me who over excited handling M16 until he knocked my head accidently..I acted cool like nothing happen, but the moment the sergeant in charge came and took off my barre, I cried...ceehhh..hampeehh...I thought that I was tough enough, the girly side of me came out infront of everybody..and that clumsy and chubby guy had to 'turun 10' for his dumb act ;-0...I still remember his face with chubby cheek and wide eyes..if I ever met him one day, I'll sure knock his head..!!!

Why am I walking down this memory lane..?..Last night..after so many years googling and making phone calls locating one of this girl, I finally got her long lost tough girl who always have a big smile and humble heart...we were there together with the others thru our sad and happy moments..we were together climbing and hanging for our dear life on single rope leaning ourselves to vertical stone wall on the way to Gunung Tahan..slept together in our soaking wet tent the night before we climbed the majestic many memories together..

And this Aidil Adha we planned to meet up after 14 years leaving that small place in girl can't join us because her air force husband can't simply take leave like other people.....and the other athletic girl has gone missing...until now..

I'm all excited now...

Salam Aidil Adha to all


Nong said...

Salam Eidil-Adha from Kak Nong. Enjoy your re-union. You all must be excited to meet after so many years.

Take care...

sue said...

Selamat Hari Raya to you too Kak Nong..