Saturday, January 21, 2006

Art Project for 2006

i have planned to finish a lot of pending works by weekend, cleaning the bathroom, sorting out bills and statement, do the laundry, read more about contract management, prepare for LAM renewal and PAM Registration, finish up drawing for house renovation, grocery shopping and the most important thing: painting

i used to paint a lot, but now it seems like i'm lack of inspiration, idea..maybe i should go somewhere, some new place maybe that will bring some interesting subject to paint. i wish i could paint more and explore new medium, i envy those who could come out with fresh and original idea.
i went to Petaling Street last week to purchased my art stuff: canvas (1 small canvas for my hubby who started to love art stuff), few tubes and i still haven't found 'halal' brush for my water colour, mostly in the market are made of 'non-halal' material...
practise make perfect, so i better start now instead of stuck infront of this pc.

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