Monday, December 13, 2010

Lower back sprain

I'm in second trimester now..almost 20 weeks in few days time..time flies just like a breeze from the moment I saw two lines on the 31st August until now..

There was a power distruption at the office last week and I had to climb the staircase from basement one to the ground floor..and I was informed that I could used the level four...!! helloo people....the moment I reached the ground floor, there was a pain on my back

And on Saturday evening, it came again but worst especially when I tried to changed to upright position ..had a trouble touching the floor and put the pressure on my right feet..

Dr Maria told me that it was pregrancy induced 'something-neuro-pain' ..that means the pelvic bone is expanding to acommodate the growing baby..especially if this is gravida three..I was given pain killer and a cream to sooth the pain..if its getting worst then I'll be referred to specialist which she told me nothing much could be done due to pregnancy..worst case I'll be referred to physiotherapy..

Hopefully everything going to be fine...

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