Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Note to Birthday Boy

Dear Hadif,

It was already 4 days behind schedule, you was supposed to arrived last few days but you choosed to remained for a while in that comfort zone with no worries. So mama decided to go to Sadiq's for nasi kandar and after a hearty meal, went straight to the bank to withdraw some cash. It was a long Q, and it felt heavy down there but there was no any sign yet.

Your Mak Tok insisted us to go to the hospital for a check up since she taught that I was ready for the big moment..and she was right...after half hour my big belly was strapped with green belt, the doctor gave a green light to proceed to the labour room.

I learned a lot from first experienced and managed to control the pain and try not to inhale ethonoks due to its effect, I did practised what I read from all those website on controlling labour pain and breathing technics as well as some simple doas...Alhamdulillah after few hours, and at 7.14pm you were born..what an easy journey for my little boy......and choosing a name for you was not hard either..therefore Happy Birthday Mohamed Hadif

Hadif and Sufiya..they make us smile and laugh and cry

Hadif : bulat mata tengok flash :-P

Arhghhh..I loves his sweet smile..my handsome boy..

Hadif: always remember that even though your Kakak Sufiya loves to teased you and knock your head..deep down inside she loves you.

-Hope you'll be a great man one day-

p/s: Abah, what did you get your son for his big day...? amboii secret secret sampai simpan dalam store tak bagi i tengok..!! hahaha

Loves, hug and kissess



Naz in Norway said...

Happy Bday Hadiff!

sue said...

Kak Naz,
Thanx a lot..have a great summer holiday