Wow...its been awhile now that I've abandoned this space..busy with other stuff at home and office plus travelling around. I don't have a mood to update anything even a single line status..any extra time will be spend on the mattress for much needed rest..besides the space, I also abandoned my red high heel and brand new boot and opted for Comfit shoes more Levi's..but Scarlet jean with rubber band..
Earl Grey Tea and Scone at English Tea House & Restaurant, Sandakan....(hubby always make a joke..'dok seberang perak, tapi perasan minum english tea..'...hehe..:))
for more info you can go
hereAnd no curry for me please..but if you serve me Western food..thank you very much.. :-P

RM2 per pack at Sandakan Market

Jeruk buah kedondong..just mix them with salt and sugar...
During my last trip to Sandakan, I went to the same market, but did not hunt for cheap crab and prawn but buah kedondong..
It's already 5pm now...I got to fetch the kids..till then..
hi sue...ada gud news ke? joining my club ke?
hi basirah..
yup..hehe..latest addition..baru lg ni :-)
how r u doing?
oh yeke....congrats!! take care...i mayb caesar on 1/11/10 pray for me...ngeri giler memikirkan OT tu!!
thanx Basirah..big baby ke..? takpe Insyallah ok..
bkn la sue...kan dua2 i kena caesar...tak buka...
i see..terlupa..takpa la asalakn selamat, don't worry..ada kawan haffis 5 anak ceasar...:-)) talking about mother's love and courage
anyway, makan siap2 apa yang nak..raya haji tak boleh dah kan..
ha 5 kali caesar...ngeri nya....nak try no 4 pun takut....yelah mother's love....:)
tulah...yg tak bestnya time ni perut kacau...mkn je nak buang....takut nak hentam gak lah...;)
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