Now it revolves around the same matters but in a different way....
We left for Kedah last two weeks and settled few things there and headed to Penang, traffic was smooth except for one reckless stupid driver who don't have a patience at all while driving, he just simply over take and drive like a mad man
Raya came and gone almost the same like previous years..same dish,same faces but the mood was a little bit different, we can wear a bright baju kurung and paint our face with MAC or Maybelline but deep down inside there was a feeling that need to be soothed...
I was with them but my mind was somewhere else..I was scared of losing and not having enough time to do what I should do and what has been told many years ago..a small antique pot came across my mind..that was her wish...
We had Raya open house in Alor Setar, it was a mix feeling..but at least I've done my best so far...whatever it is I'll be strong just like this majestic mount..
Loves know no boundary..a mother would do anything for her child..and Aidilfitri was just a day that passed by..
This is another house that is always in my mind, a house that form a part of my knowledge and exposure to built enviro, every visit will be a surprise because my late grandfather who was a tukang rumah will always renovate his house, one day a timber staircase will on the south part and by the time the ext visit, it will be at a different place..but my daughter accept it in a different way, she had a hard to used the bathroom..'mama, orang tu tak cat dinding dia pink..!'....
We end the night with nasi royal..and I already packed my bag for another transit to Penang the next day..
It was a beautiful morning with roses blooming and bunga keembung line the pathway..
But it was written that this Aidilfitri is a gloomy one..we received another sad news from Penang..a relative just passed away..Al-Fatihah..
I think that life now is just like a sunset...beautiful but too short to feel it.....
Al Fatihah.
Life is what we make it. It is too short but we still have the power to shape it and to live it.
Take care and my hugs to you and your two kiddos :)
Thanx Kak Naz..i see life in a different perspective now..and try to shape it as best as i could
hugs to your kids too
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