Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tali bersimpul-simpul

I hate to think about it I got no choice but to think of what I am supposed to face and settle..there are so many things that jumble up now..mcm tali kapal yang bersimpul-simpul ..kena tarik pelan-pelan..jangan bagi terlepas dan tangan tak luka....kapal tak terlepas..tak karam...hanyut pun tak......

At this moment there four major things came to me at one time...

Will sail through ...


oldtown~Smell the Roses said...

Apa 4 major things tuh? Take it as challenge. ;)Byk2 sabar...

sue said...

major things tu..? dari byk aspect,cuma tak boleh revealed awal sgt...i'll take it as a challenge, life without challenge jadi boring pulak kan..?

u take care too and thanx