People are moving at different pace now and time for socializing are limited, no more having a chit chat like our mom used to have..asking about gulai ikan semilang or just sharing some juicy gossips while cooking and menyapu halaman.
Everybody just gathered at Facebook nowadays..who does not..? even someone you did not expect to have an account will one day send a request to be your friend, and the next day you'll received cookies, flowers and even hug and kissess...We wish Selamat Hari Raya and send duit raya online, even sharing raya photos...and whatever photos..
I just jumped into the same wagon few months ago to find my classmate from SNC..that was the main intention....and I limit myself to just certain Mafia War or Sorority thingy...and I just send one time..cookies as a courtsey reply..and that was it....
I rather drive 15 minutes to ERL Station, parked my car there, wait for 28 minutes coz I missed the train, and ride a transit ERL for another 28 minutes and arrived at KL Sentral..and wait another 5 or 10 minutes before the next train arrived and 15 minutes later I had a good cup of coffee with a friend at KLCC...I mean,... a real coffee and cookies in a real and tangible space and a real friend...not online meeting or conversation...
Maybe I'm not that good at socializing online...I don't send flowers and share thought about their dress, I never join any circle that they are in...what I did was I pressed the ignored or decline button (i didn't remember)..'s time consuming receiving all those thing, there are too many steps to I'm out of that circle..
And people can always misunderstood and misinterpret certain things that we write or any photo that we posted there...
When their feeling hurt..they'll send you a 'bitchslap'..ooucchhh...that was kind enough..thank you, at least dare don't there to do it in real life...
I better go now and asked my friend to join me for lunch later..errr...real lunch at a real cafe ya..!
Have fun berMukaBuku..jangan bermuka-muka sudahlah labuuu....
Kak Naz pun sangatlah tak berminat dengan various applications on FB. Setakat connecting online ok lagi. Nak bagi itu ini, sungggggguhlah malas hatibodijiwaraga. Tapi respond juga sometimes, out of decency! ;)
Kak Naz,
bila dah byk sangat app dia tu dah jadi rimas..
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