Its hard for us if we stay in Putrajaya with her chicken pox angry to came out...and its even hard to find those traditional remedy...we thought that we saw mambu tree but not that sure..I remember during trial SRP there were few red spot on my face which i thought just a pimple..unfortunately it was chicken pox...and after a week it looked juat like capati...and i restained myself from capati for quite some time...
There were actually rows and rows of mambu tree or semambu in Putrajaya..but others like bayam duri are hard to find..we prepared her bath with mixture of bayam duri, mambu leaves plus another plant which look like ginger but with white flower, just use the root...

The first two night were horrible, she can't sleep well...crying all nite, they said that was becoz of the coconut juice and chicken soup,..pity Sufiya..we even placed this leaves underneath her bedsheet to reduced itchiness..
She's now back to her normal life..except for some dot here and there...that will take time to dissapear ...Hope so..
better get a pox masa kecik.. i remeber i got it masa form 5!! (nasib baik masa tu tak spm lagi) was pure torture!...medically...lagi dewasa u kena pox ni..lagi bahaya...i wish my kids kena sekarang...takut diaorang pun kena mcm i naya kang...
its true simah, kecik senang nak jaga pantang makan minum dia..leceh kalau masa secondary school..i hari tu takut juga..alhamdulillah so far ok
Hope that the 'dot' dissapear ASAP. Sufiya, take care!
no more polka dot...tapi lopak2nye masaih ada..tak berbedak lagi ni..tunggu dot yg kat kaki hilang dulu
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