Wednesday, May 04, 2011

..was at labour room on labour day all when smoothly with His Blessing.

Everything went as we planned, on the 30th April FMC has reduced to only 6 nos by 7pm..I had a feeling that the big day was near. We left for Hospital Putrajaya at 9.30pm and at the same time maktok and aunty izati was flying from AS.

After went thru some procedure, I was admitted at ward was a sleepless night with minor contraction, contraction monitoring and blood pressure check in between.

I really hope that it all happen the next day.

It was sunny day and clear blue sky on that Labour Day..i had mee gorng mamak served by the hospital...and by 9am I was checked again and was ordered to go to Labour Room...

I saw an airplane passed by...

And at 11.02am on Labour Day 2011..a baby girl, weight 3.89kg was born...I saw another airplane passed by....

Another precious little girl in the family..:-)